How To Maintain Your Irrigation’s Valve System

Lawn Maintenance can be challenging.  Especially, during the summer months in Southern California. Checking your irrigation valves can save you a ton of headache and quite possibly save you from a brown or dead lawn when the temperatures reach over 100 degrees!


What should you look for when inspecting your irrigation valves?  First let’s talk about what an irrigation valve is and why they’re important in your system. 


Irrigation valves are basically the gate keeper for your water system.  Orbit and Rainbird are probably the most popular manufacturers of automatic irrigation valves. These valves utilize a diaphragm and an electronic solenoid to open and close a valve.  When valves are grouped together as a manifold it allows water to be directed to different zones in your yard for watering.  Water pressure would be too low without a valve system that allows for zone watering.  


There Are A Few Things To Remember.


Your irrigation valves are super important to the system.  One of the biggest mistakes you can make is not taping up wiring connectors to insure they are water tight.  Corrosion of the wiring is probably the most common cause of valve issues.  You should use electrical tape to insure that no water is getting inside the wiring.  Check this tape a couple times a year and replace when needed.  The best way to truly protect your valve setup is to cover it with a plastic covering such as water boxes.  You can find such coverings at Home Depot, Lowes, or other such hardware stores.



Installing irrigation valves is not as complicated as you may think, but does require some knowledge to perform correctly.  If you want you valves to operate properly and last, you’ll need to use quality materials and make sure that installation industry standards are met.  


DIY’ers often find themselves fixing mistakes within the first year.  There are plenty of resources online and you’ll want to make sure you follow a reputable landscaping expert in order to insure you don’t follow bad advice. 



Once valves are installed properly, again it is very important to check them out a couple times a year as well as inspecting your entire system.  You’ll know if a valve has “gone bad” if the water won’t shut off (solenoid issue), water pressure is suddenly low, or you notice leaking.  


If installed properly and maintained in the right condition an irrigation valve should last between 10-15 years.  That number is drastically reduced if external conditions and maintenance are not optimal.  


If you would like more information or have questions about irrigation valves contact Lawn Master at